Roles and Responsibilities

Our Board of Directors’ legal duties include the:

To comply with these duties, our Board of Directors must ensure that they:

Our Board of Directors’ responsibilities include:

Board Committees

Audit Committee

Zawgyi Premier’s Audit Committee is responsible for our organisation’s excellent corporate governance. It does so by implementing high standards of accountability, integrity and transparency of financial risk management – including our controls, financial reporting and disclosures.

Our Audit Committee is driven by Yin Yin Htay and Kalyar Moe Moe.

Remuneration Committee

Our Remuneration Committee establishes reward policies in Zawgyi Premier and recommends remuneration considerations to the Board of Directors. These policies are instrumental for retaining key management personnel and employees throughout the organisation.

The Remuneration Committee consists of Yin Yin Htay and Kalyar Moe Moe.