29TH-31ST  JAN 2019

2019 Meeting with Palm Sugar Farmers

The meeting between Zawgyi Palm Sugar farmer and partner organizations, companies which are working collaboratively with Zawgyi for the development of Myanmar’s Palm Sugar Farmers was held earnestly and cordially on 29th and 30th Jan 2019 in four villages.
Almost 2,000 Local Palm Sugar farmers had attended the meeting and presented the situation of 2019 Palm Sugar season, procurement plan as well as the market status, stating the process and procedures of sustainable development for Palm Sugar production and exportation. And they actively discussed and answered to the queries of Zawgyi Palm Sugar farmers and women who were mainly involved in Palm Sugar Cooking. In addition, the honorable gifts were awarded to 926 qualified/well-performed Zawgyi Palm Sugar farmers.

16TH JAN 2019 

Results and Expectations of Palm Sugar Seasons in 2018 and 2019

On 16 Jan 2018, we held our annual meeting with partners and collectors to discuss the palm sugar season in 2019. This was the sixth annual meeting in the series.

Zawgyi presented updates on 2018’s palm sugar season, along with goals and progress reports relating to sustainability efforts, procurement plans, and quality criteria for the upcoming season.